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06 March 2008


Color me ultra-impressed.

I know just what to bring you when spring finally arrives and Jack and I take a ride north.

Wow. You are, like, my hero.

I certainly appreciate your enthusiasm and follow-through. Enjoyed the whole article, though, for health reasons, I'm trying to limit pork intake.

For future lard adventures: I don't know where you live in VT, but Gaylord Farm in Waitsfield sells pork back fat for $3.05 a pound. They also sell the rest of the pig, as well as some great beef, chicken and turkey. We got our Thanksgiving turkey fresh from them this year; it was great!

Thanks for the tip, Erika! Unfortunately, we're quite a ways from Waitsfield, down in South Londonderry (southern part of the state).


Never mind about buying hi-quality lard. That's virtually impossible. It's not even an easy thing to get when you have the will, means and material to make it yourself.

To make good lard you have to get fresh pork fat, preferably from around the kidneys (aka leaf lard). Then you must heat it at low temp (less than 212 degrees F) to melt it and drive off the water. This sounds simple but it is not. Because as the water goes off, the temp of the fat can go much higher than 212 and burn up whatever protein is mixed in thereby rendering (!) the lard unsuitable for most applications.

The good news is that even though it is not easy, it is far from impossible.

Oops, my apologies G.G.
I thought the post was shorter than it actually was. I see you made good lard and now I feel like a dope.

No apologies necessary, amigo. If the good lard was meant for all mere mortals, it wouldn't be the prize it is for those that take the time.

Or something.

I am all in favor of lard! (Gorgeous pic, btw...I thought it was sorbet!)

High. I saw your posting. I currently am working on pricing articles from a family farm that was over 100 plus years old. I giggled when I saw your quest for real lard. I have vats, pots and like and actually experienced one of these festive occasions as a yound child. If you have not gotten to do so it is quiet an experience.

Thanks for keeping the tradition alive.

Asheville, NC

WOW! I'm impressed, really. I have been looking for ideas for my new project and that's exactly that I imagined. May be my comment is not very helpful but I need to say this site is amazing. Photos, descriptions etc. etc. I would be very happy if you'll accept my words of of appreciation. Thanks for the spark of inspiration!

Appreciate the information. I am involved with hog slaughter in WRJ, VT (Sunrise Farm); this year we are going to harvest leaf lard for the first time, and I'll render and save it for next year's entries at the Tunbridge World's Fair (pie, pie, pie).

Go pork! Go local!

Thanks for the great article. I was searching for some pork belly recipes for Christmas dinner at my mother-in-law's this year and found your suggestion for a braised version ... I cannot wait to try it. Thanks much.

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