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19 March 2008


Ay, yi, yi, Mora. Are you just daring me to pack up the car and head north?

I'd like to think of it as more an invitation than a dare. :)

Have I mentioned how much I love peeking in on your life back there, Ms. Mora?

Thanks for the tip with the kitchen towel!

Thanks to your blog, I'm now craving chocolate chip cookies. While crispie cookies have their place in my heart and in my belly, I must say that I do love a chewy chocolate chip.

These looks terrific! And I love the tip about using the coffee beans. I bet the coffee really heightens the flavor of the bittersweet chocolate.

Nice blog.

I tried this yesterday and it came out yummy!!!

Thanks for sharing!

Love;y blog...I just added you to my blog roll....

Wow - coffee beans - genius, absolute genius. Surely there's a Nobel prize for innovation in cookie technology.

This insightful statement: "don't get me started on the grotesquerie that is raw cookie dough ice cream" elicits from me an appreciative belly laugh.

Thanks for the tip on the kitchen towel! Mine doesn't come with splatter guard and I am hesitant to buy because I know it'll be an extra piece to wash. Your tip is perfect.

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