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29 October 2007


Love your writing, Mora, and I hope someday get to enjoy your cooking Chez Vermont.

You know it will require nothing more than a trip to Vermont; I'll do the rest.

"this was a quick spaghetti-and-meatballs-for-the-family, akin to banging together a meatloaf or macaroni and cheese at the end of a busy day"

What, they don't sell jars of spag. sauce in VT? Furthermore, I'm sure you're referring to "pain de viande" and "pasta fromage" n'est pas? ;o)

Spaghetti sauce from a jar? Mon dieu! Jamais! (well, of course, but who'd read about it on my blog?).

Pain de viande. Heh, heh.

Sorry dear I did not put A1 in the meatballs. The meat was too beautiful, just salt, pepper and bread crumbs. Simple

Ellen and I are reading your blog and our mouths are watering! You should be a journalist!

How funny, MG...I was just looking through pictures last night, including ones of the gathering after Joe's funeral. There was a picture of you, and I got to wondering how you were. And here you are. Hello! And hello to Ellen, too!

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