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« Goodbye Again (A Farewell Dinner) | Main | Spaghetti and Meatballs »

14 October 2007


That is simply gorgeous. The pie of which dreams are made....

Indeed...I'm already dreaming of the next one.

Whatta guy. My man rolls the tightest burrito on earth, though. All that experience with rolling joints, ya know?


That pie looks good for sure. But I know from long experience that making a pie look good is a lot easier than getting it to taste good. So Mrs. Mora, how does it taste?

Mr. delGrosso, it was delicious. We had the remains for breakfast the following morning (I love pie-for-breakfast days!).

tight burritos, luscious pies, what else does he make? I would love to get K just to make something that looks appetizing-it doesn't have to even taste good! Did TJ prepare foods like this before you entered his life, or has it been by osmosis?

Didn't TJ tell you? Our ability to make a pie (particularly apple pie) is from a gene passed down along from our mother. Dad gave us the pasta and paella genes.

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