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29 September 2007


I just have to say that the sweet corn bisque was an amazing soup that i could eat whenever I am cold. Congrats to the chef and thank you so much for the great meal.

I always eagerly anticipate eating at George's. Once again, my taste buds were in perfect harmony with the beautiful aroma's eminating from the bowl and plates. Company and foods were a terrific compliment to Pierre. More horseradish marmalade, please!

Okay, if I've ever had reason to doubt that you are serious, I don't know anything about it. That is one wonderful meal. And where did you first hear about poached beef? I learned about it from a book by Ludwig Bemelmans then soon thereafter, an elderly Austrian lady.

There's a recipe in Terry Brennan's Artisanal Cooking (a terrific book, by the way). That's where I first heard of it, but as it happens, it's essentially the old French classic Boeuf ala Ficelle.

I'm reading in order, so I apologise if you've posted it later, but if not, I'd love to know roughly the quantities for the horseradish and garlic mix - I bought a large horseradish root yesterday, and haven't decided what to do with it yet! :)

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