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04 September 2007


We still count as "out of town?" Sigh.

We loved the gratin.

Well, at least I didn't call you “flatlanders.”

Man, Mora--you have my number here. Our six squash and zucchini plants are throwin' themselves over the fence at us, and we can't keep up. And no matter how religiously I go pick, the giant leaves hide some, and we find them when they're as big as Logan's head. Those are the Stealth Squash.

This recipe looks fantastic. A hit of cheese might be good in there, too.


Oh, god yes: Cheeeeeeese! /Wallace

So about how long did you cook it, and in what size and kind of pan?

Foot tapping here.

: D

Never mind about the size of the pan: I read more carefully. But I need about how long to cook.

Fanx, Ms. Mora.

Funny, I swear I posted a comment last night with the timing. Oh, well. About 45 minutes (and I've edited the recipe instructions to say so).

The gratin is DELICIOUS! I bought some oversized patty pans the day before I read this - perfect! The flavour is excellent - I'll definitely make it again.

Oh thank you Lord! Two pattypan squash plants are definetely too much for this gardener! Bowling ball is an understatement! To think I was throwing them in my compost! Thanks again for the recipe. I switched up the cream and breadcrumbs for coconut cream and hazelnut croute!

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