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09 June 2007


You are such a good writer.

I wish you'd post the missing poetry (the names of your varieties of tomatoes et al.)

I'd do the same but Bob, every SINGLE year, plants the tomatoes and loses the goddamned markers with the names on them. And every single year I curse, and say, "Next year, I'm going to make a map when they go in the ground." I know we have twenty plants, and 19 varieties, and that the only one we have two of is the Green Giant, aka "East German Ballerina" (as we call her). You can practically hear it scream, "Feed me, Seymour" from outside the bathroom window.

Coconut cookies look divine. Everything you do looks divine.

I'm still enjoying (hoarding) the fennel and Vidalia relish. I definitely know how to savor, so I hide things from Bob, who gobbles. (I wonder if I am the only woman with this problem: married to a gobbler.)

Keep up the inspiring work.

Thanks, T. I've been busy as ten dogs this week, but I plan to post more on the garden over the weekend (with poetry AND pictures). And strawberries are nearly in season...wink, wink.

PS I'm not married to a gobbler. I managed to find a man who doesn't really care for sweets.

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